Eulalie Greenaway (Ms)
Senior Tutor

Eulalie N. Greenaway is the Senior Tutor at the Norman Manley Law School and is an attorney-at-law, admitted to practice in Montserrat, Barbados and Jamaica.

She is a proud graduate of the Norman Manley Law School, Class of 1993, having completed her Bachelor of Law degree at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill campus with First Class honours. She is also a Commonwealth Scholar and holds a Master of Science degree in International Business and Marketing.

Ms Greenaway, who is from the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat, is a former Magistrate, Registrar-General and Registrar of Companies, Trademarks and Patents in that jurisdiction. She joined the team of full-time Tutors at the Norman Manley Law School in 2003, following a successful private practice in Corporate and Commercial Law. She has served variably as Course Director and Tutor for the subjects Conveyancingand Registration of Title, Law of Associations and Landlord and Tenant.

She has special interests in corporate and commercial law, in particular, Corporate Insolvency LawandCorporate Finance Lawand has over the years served on several law review committees in Montserrat, Barbados and Jamaica, providing advice on issues in corporate and commercial law.

She continues to teach at the postgraduate level in Advanced Corporate Insolvency Law and Corporate FinanceLaw and is an active member of several international professional bodies, including Insolvency International(INSOL), where her membership in INSOL Academics serves to highlight and progress the focus of Insolvency law, practice and research in the Commonwealth Caribbean.